



在CR, you can prepare for transfer to four-year universities or gain skills for immediate entry into a career. Complete your degree as a full-time or part-time student, keeping your academic schedule flexible to fit your life.


星期五 上午11点至下午3点

Del Norte




With towering 红杉 across the campus 和 a redwood forest as a backdrop, College of the Redwoods (CR) has one of the most stunning campuses in the country. 我们地区与太平洋接壤, 也是湍急河流的故乡, 湖泊, 还有令人印象深刻的野生动物. 

High School, International, Oregon Exchange, 和 Transfer Students

College of the Redwoods is open to any person 18 years of 年龄 or older who can benefit from the instructional curriculum of the college. No high school diploma or GED is required for those over 年龄 18. High school graduates 和 holders of a 皇冠365官方app of Proficiency or GED are eligible for admission even if they are younger than 18.

课程注册指引 & 提示

课很快就满了! 为了选择最好的课程, 制定学生教育计划 和你的辅导员联系,并尽快注册!


  • All new 和 returning students (you have not been registered for classes for two or more semesters) are required to submit an Application for Admission as early as possible.
  • Before you register, clear any prior debts to the college at the Business Services Office. Business Office hours are Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
  • 审查 咨询,测试和定向信息.
  • Students are limited to registering for a maximum of 18 units during priority, 开放注册, 和网上注册. Students must have a advisor's approval to register for more than 18 units.
  • Check to see if any courses you are enrolling in have a prerequisite. It is your responsibility to be sure you have met the prerequisite.
  • 制定一个平衡的时间表.
  • 报名人数少的课程可能会取消. 一定要早点注册,这样你的注册才算进去!
  • Students currently on academic probation may need to see an advisor before registering for classes.

Some courses are graded on a letter-grade-only basis 和 some are graded on a Pass (P) No Pass (NP) only basis. 其他课程为学生提供了选择. 申请P/NP等级, select the "Register P/NP" option when registering for your class via WebAdvisor. If you decide to change you registration from Grade Only to P/NP after registration, 你可以在课程进行到25%之前这样做. 你的决定是最后的,以后不能改变.  在此日期之后,不允许更改为P/NP. 少于一学期的课程, check with your instructor or send an email by clicking here: P / NP问题.


Students may audit classes (will not receive college credit) with instructor approval by following these steps:

  • 完成一个 应用程序 申请入读CR.
  • 完成课程的先决条件.
  • 打印 审计的形式.
  • After the second class meeting, meet with the instructor to verify that you may audit the course. If the instructor signs your 审计的形式; return the form to 招生 & 记录.
  • 支付15美元的费用.00元/件(不可退还),以及健康费用.
  • 金融援助 (including fee waivers) does not cover audited courses.
  • 一旦学生报名旁听一门课程, the student cannot change to receiving credit 和 a grade for the course or vice versa.
  • Concurrently enrolled high school students may not audit courses.

学生使用 WebAdvisor 注册并支付课程费用. 回顾我们的 课程时间表登录注册. It is easy, quick, 和 can be done from the comfort of your home. Web registration assistance is available at all College of the Redwoods campuses 和 instructional sites or by phone at 707-476-4160

In some instances, short-term classes may be offered that begin later in the semester. 我们鼓励你提前注册.

Students on waitlists must go to the first class meeting.  Instructors will  let you know if he/she will allow you to add the class.  如果老师选择让你上课, s/he will let you know what time s/he will complete processing your add authorization.  在那之后, you will be able to log onto WebAdvisor 和 change your registration from "Waitlisted" to "Registered. It is your responsibility to register yourself for the class using WebAdvisor.

Students may add an open class via WebAdvisor until 11:00pm the evening before the first class meeting.

If the class has already begun then it is up to the instructor to decide if s/he will take more students. You must obtain an instructor-signed add card 和 bring it to 招生及记录 for it to be processed.  You are not registered for the class until the add card is processed.

It is your responsibility to pay any fees, if applicable.

注册时付款. Students may contact the Business Office to arrange payment plans if necessary.

You can drop a class by the end of the second week of full term classes using WebAdvisor. On or after the census date of a full-term class, you may withdraw through the 10th week of classes. 视图 重要的录取日期 这学期.

Withdrawing after the end of the 10th week of a full-term class in a fall or Spring term requires submission of a petition with documentation of extenuating circumstances beyond your control.


The following services will be provided to students who enroll for credit at College of the Redwoods:

  • 处理应用程序
  • 评估
  • 迎新及迎新前服务
  • 咨询和建议
  • Assistance in developing a Student Educational Plan (SEP)
  • 入学后对每个学生的学习进度进行评估
  • Referral of students to support services 和/or specialized curriculum offerings

If you feel you have been denied any service to which you are entitled or if you feel that any procedures are being applied in a discriminatory manner:

  • You may file a petition with the Vice President of Instruction 和 Student Development.
  • 三人小组, 由平权行动官员组成, 负责教学和学生成功的副总裁, 和 an additional staff member will review your petition.
  • The panel shall meet 和 notify you in writing within seven working days.

Non-付款 Drop (D-Reg) is the process by which the College drops students from classes for non-payment of tuition 和 fees. 付费入住! 了解更多 >

的先决条件 - A course that a student must earn credit for with a minimum grade of "C" or "P" (Pass), 或者是学生必须满足的条件, 在参加后续课程之前.

一个评估 - A formal request of CR to determine which credits earned from a previously attended institution will apply toward your current Degree or 皇冠365官方app Program at CR.

费用 & 付款

学费 和 注册费用s are assigned according to a student's residency status 和 enrollment type. College of the Redwoods determines residency status 和 enrollment type upon receipt of the 招生 Application.


*The Audit Fee is reserved for students requesting to audit a class in which no grade is issued.

要查看详细信息,请使用以下链接: 2023-2024年出席成本(预算/费用)

期限费包括健康费, Associate Students of CR (ASCR) Activity 和 Representation Fee 和 Technology Fee 和 are charged each semester that a student enrolls in coursework.

A student may request to waive the optional ASCR Activity 和 Representation Fee 和/or the Technology Fee by submitting the Request to Waive Optional 费用 form to the Cashier prior to the start of the semester. If a student waives the ASCR Activity 和 Representation Fee, they are not permitted to join or participate in any student clubs or receive or participate in representation from the local 和 state student body.

A student may request to waive the Health Fee if that student depends exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, 教派, or organization by submitting a signed affidavit to the Cashier prior to the start of the semester.

Health Fee: $25 per semester - Fall/Spring ($20 Summer) 尤里卡 & 在线
每学期$9 -秋季/春季/夏季Del Norte & Klamath-Trinity
ASCR 费用: $10 per semester - Fall/Spring/Summer All Campuses
Technology Fee: $10 per semester - Fall/Spring/Summer All Campuses

Certain courses have an associated 教学资料费 because some of the required materials are provided to the student. 费用视课程而定.


尤里卡校区的停车必须有许可证. Parking at all other instructional locations is currently free. Parking enforcement is h和led through the Public Safety Department.
Daily 许可证 can be purchased at one of the kiosks located throughout the parking lots at the 尤里卡 campus.
学期, 年度 和 Summer Session 许可证 can be purchased online through MyCampusPermit.com/Redwoods. 注意,学生需要使用他们的 @mycr.红杉.edu 购买停车许可证时的电子邮件地址.

  汽车/卡车停车许可证 电单车泊车许可证
一天收费 $3 $3
学期 $53
夏季学期 $18 $11
年度 $80 $40
更换 许可证 $8 $8

*如果是汽车/卡车 已购买许可证, 摩托车是这个人的第二辆车, 第二次许可证将不额外收费.


  • Official transcripts can be ordered via WebAdvisor or through the Transcript Ordering Service. 前两次申请笔录是免费的. 每个额外的成绩单申请是8美元.00.
  • “Rush”成绩单申请收费15美元.00 和 are processed 和 mailed within 48 hours of receipt of payment.
  • Students risk being dropped from their courses due to non-payment prior to the start of the Fall 和 Spring 学期s. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅我们的 因未付款而放弃 网页.
  • Students with unpaid debt to College of the Redwoods are prohibited from receiving or sending official transcripts, 不授予学位或皇冠365官方app, 成绩将不予公布, 登记将不予受理.
  • Student 账户s with unpaid debt to College of the Redwoods become delinquent after 120 days 和 are subject to the 账户 collections process.
  • 学费 和 注册费用s will only be refunded if the student drops the full-semester length class by the 星期五 of the end of the second week of the Fall or Spring 学期. Refund deadlines for summer classes vary by class length. The 学生服务 Fee will not be refunded after the semester begins.
  • Students must request their refund from the Cashier's Office at (707) 476-4126.
  • 退款处理费为10美元.00可在退款前扣除.

学生可以通过他们的 WebAdvisor 账户. 付款s can be made in full or payments can be deducted monthly by entering into the 国家统计局缴费计划.

财政援助计划 & 服务:

  • Students may use their financial aid awards to help pay for the costs of attending College of the Redwoods. Eligibility criteria vary depending on the type of award.
皇冠365官方app & 度验证

皇冠365官方app很荣幸能与 全国学生信息交流中心 in order to provide students with a simple 和 straightforward 皇冠365官方app 和 Degree verification process.

Utilizing the 全国学生信息交流中心's secure online ordering service, students can request a 皇冠365官方app or Degree verification in addition to verification of their current enrollment 和 dates of attendance.


College of the Redwoods is pleased to partner with Credentials Solutions in order to provide students with a simple 和 straightforward official transcript ordering process. All official transcript requests are processed electronically through Credentials Solutions secure Transcript Order Processing Services.


一般的问题 电话:476-4135 电子邮件: Welcome-Center@红杉.edu
招生 电话:476 - 4200 电子邮件: admissions@红杉.edu
金融援助 电话:476 - 4182 电子邮件: finaid@红杉.edu
咨询 电话:476 - 4150 电子邮件: counseling@红杉.edu
