期限费包括健康费, Associate Students of CR (ASCR) Activity 和 Representation Fee 和 Technology Fee 和 are charged each semester that a student enrolls in coursework.
A student may request to waive the optional ASCR Activity 和 Representation Fee 和/or the Technology Fee by submitting the Request to Waive Optional 费用 form to the Cashier prior to the start of the semester. If a student waives the ASCR Activity 和 Representation Fee, they are not permitted to join or participate in any student clubs or receive or participate in representation from the local 和 state student body.
A student may request to waive the Health Fee if that student depends exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, 教派, or organization by submitting a signed affidavit to the Cashier prior to the start of the semester.
Health Fee: $25 per semester - Fall/Spring ($20 Summer) 尤里卡 & 在线
每学期$9 -秋季/春季/夏季Del Norte & Klamath-Trinity
ASCR 费用: $10 per semester - Fall/Spring/Summer All Campuses
Technology Fee: $10 per semester - Fall/Spring/Summer All Campuses